Well, how does one start blogging, and how is it different from the very familiar world of emailings and static web sites? I guess one goes about it in just this way: sit down and throw something on the screen and see what sticks.
After pondering that metaphor, I think my first task is to answer the question "Who is this blogger, and why does he use such bad metaphors?"
I am John Rodkey, Associate director of Information Technology at Westmont College, Director of Archaeological Computing for the Zeitah Excavation, Inc., and Grand Poobah of the Fearless Aeronca Aviators (f-AA for short), husband and father. I'll probably talk mostly about
Zeitah, archaeology and data techniques associated with archaeology here, but may throw in the occasional reference to
Westmont or
Aeronca airplanes, so I might as well throw you those links from the get-go.