Thursday, February 28, 2008

Greg 'Gerg' Gilbert

It is with deep sadness that I report that Greg "Gerg" Gilbert, former student, former employee, and friend, has died of an apparent heart attack.
As a first year student, he immediately showed brilliant ability in all things Computer and Network. He worked hard, understood things apparently instantaneously and with ease, and with laughter that came easily, disarmed the stressful moments inherent in any IT Support situation. Several times I came in to the office in the morning to find Gerg asleep on the floor of one of the IT cubicles, having worked on some project through the night until his eyelids would no longer stay open. His passion led him to become a regular contributer to the open-source community, becoming the maintainer of numerous modules for Linux-based handhelds and the debian Linux distribution. His focus on IT led him to leave Westmont and work at Brooks with Greg Lawler, who was able to put his talents to use full-time in development and support there. Greg Lawler has written a blog entry at honoring Gerg.

Gerg was gentle, humble, affable, and always eager to help. Even after leaving Westmont, he would chip in on solving some of our most vexing problems, and always with a smile, a laugh, a nod that indicated that this was more fun than work for him. All who knew him will grieve his passing.

Peace to the soul of Greg Gilbert.