Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Zeitah data milestone

When proceeding through the dig season, I am aware of many notable milestones:
  1. First day of 'real excavation' (as opposed to cleaning off weeds from the off-season)
  2. First Pottery Reading Sheets entered into the database
  3. First Material Culture log entries entered into the database
  4. First report created of the bucket readings
  5. The "end of third week" doldrums
  6. Delivering the Lecture on Archaeological Computing
  7. Last day of excavation
  8. Last day the volunteers are with us
  9. All Material Culture logs entered
  10. All Locus Sheets scanned and entered
  11. All Registered Pottery Drawings scanned and associated
  12. All Registered Pottery Sheets scanned and entered
  13. Final Bucket reports distributed
  14. Final MC reports distributed
  15. All Pottery Reading Sheets entered
  16. Pottery percentage reports created
  17. Final report on computing submitted
  18. Final Backups
  19. Packing up
We are now at milestone 14. This is actually a pretty good place to be now: I figure we're one day ahead of my previous years' schedule, mainly due to the help of Joanna, Madeleine, Helen and Jessie. We have 40 Pottery Reading Sheets left to enter, 21 Registered pottery descriptions (3 pages each), and then a bunch of scanning (about 15 Top Plans and a Section Drawing, and the final Locus and Bucket summary sheets for each of the remaining 4 squares.)

I will need to do some data analysis and generating the factual portion of my report (spreadsheets, databases, etc) and then think about recommendations for next year for my verbal report.

Back to work - hoping to pass milestone 15 shortly!



Jeanne said...

Good Morning, John.
I find this summary of the dig so helpful. It gives us non-computer types a bigger picture of all the different tasks that you must do during the dig, and especially at the end of the season. Congratulations on coming so far along!
And today is the last day of entering data from the dig. Hurrah! You are almost done! Home is just around the corner! I'll be waiting here with open arms!


John Rodkey said...

Thanks, Jeanne. I'm glad it gives more substance to the reports on the dig. We have now passed the 'All Pottery Entered' milestone, and I have the final numbers:
But blogspot just rejected my table html code, so I'll post it as a blog entry...